Thursday 9 August 2012

Practicing and struggling with Loops for project 2

Beginning pattern using loops that we began with in class.

I then attempted the PowerPoint tutorial on the school of design website. I really struggled with this. It's hard wrapping my head around loops. I understand that it's a shortcut and that it's telling the computer to repeat something and adding a variable of one each time for example.

I then added one of the codes from the tutorial onto the circles I had made.

I added colour.

Blue and purple but not strong colours as they go together nicer when softer. The lines start thicker and get thinner as they head towards the left.

I then changed the gradients of the colours. So they start strong and then fade colour.

I'm going to have to pratise more with loops and making patterns. I will experiment further with structure and shapes. I would like to involve more lines and angles. Colours and gradients will be used more. I would like to discover a good colour combination that will go nicely with a gradient.

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