Thursday 9 August 2012

Development onto the binoculars and 3D

In this class I brainstormed and write down some possibilities with my project. I've been thinking I could turn the telescope into binoculars and make them 3d using red and blue filters. However, this would require four magnifying glasses which may get expensive. I'm going to get a cheap pair of classic 3d glasses and experiment. Also, making an image 3d may be a bit of a challenge. This is also something I'm going to have to experiment with.

If the 3d binoculars don't work out, my second option is to distort the magnifying glasses and then print out a pattern. Take a photograph of the pattern through the telescope and then put that image onto Photoshop. I would then use the transformation tool to distort the image to what would look normal through the telescope. This way the image would look upside down and distorted but when looking through the telescope it would become clear. One thing I would have to experiment with is making sure the magnifying glasses would still focus at a distance if their shape were to be distorted. 

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