Thursday 16 August 2012

Binoculars Feed Back

I have constructed a basic version of the binoculars. I presented them in class today and got some feed back.

I need to figure out a way to connect the two lenses together. Maybe attached with a hinge at one end so people with different eye widths can adjust to get one image.
I tried just wearing the 3D glasses while looking through the binoculars. The 3D worked thankfully, however when making my final pair of binoculars I will put the lenses on the glasses to act as filters.

Angela thinks the corrugated cardboard works very well for this project. She recommended putting a matching black cardboard around the frames of the magnifying glasses to make it less obvious how the magnifying glasses work. I think this is a very good idea and will try this (hopefully it will work and look good.)

We tried viewing this through the 3d glasses with the binoculars. It was very hard to navigate, but hopefully once the lenses are stuck together it will become easier to focus the glasses. As vision is upside down, naturally navigating is going to be the real challenge.

I want to make the 3D image which will be viewed. I want it to be really distorted. So maybe some time of upside down optical illusion combined with the element of 3D.
I will get the pictures printed professionaly and perhaps mount them onto foam board. If I get time, I'll try to make more than one image so people have a few different images to try it out on. Mayve I could also build a type of stand to hold the pictures up. Then put some tape on the ground by my plenth at presentation on Monday, so people know about what distance to stand from the picture when focusing the magnifying glasses.

I will take some photos of what my prototype looks like so far and post them onto the blog. They still have some glue on them as I wasn't sure of what measurements to do and was just making a rough prototype. My real model will be made with much better craft.

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