Thursday 30 August 2012

Research Navigation Systems

Some Screen Shots I took from the website :

"Google Maps Navigation (Beta)

Google Maps Navigation is an internet-connected GPS navigation system with voice guidance. "

Features I like about this navigation system: 
  • Search bar - Search for a type of place you want to find on campus. For example, at ATM machine or cafeteria. 
  • Search along route - Search for a type of place you want to find on campus along a certain route. For example, a cafeteria in the Kirk building.
  • Walking navigation -  Get voice-guided navigation for walking directions. Device vibrates for turn notifications.
  • Offline Reliability - Get continuous guidance and automatic rerouting, even if you lose your network connection after you’ve begun a route.
  • Shortcuts - A list of Icons making it easier to find the option you want.
  • Birds Eye View - When viewing the map.
  • Alternative routes - showing the different ways you could walk
  • Popular searches - showing the most popular searched for destinations at Kelburn.

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