Thursday 16 August 2012

Development - Struggling with Loops still

An experiment I did with line thickness and colour.

Code I found and copied just to see how it was set out. I'm still relly having trouble with loops so have been looking at other code to see what they have done. I then change the variables to try and help myself understand loops.

Another piece of code that I made. Would be much better if the lines were thicker.
Maybe coloured with a change of opacity as it goes on. Also if the lines came off the page.

Another piece of code I used off the internet to play with the variables. Although this code did not use loops and had a lot of randoms and floats. Some of this code I didn't completely understand.

I had an idea for inspiration for my code. I want to take a form of nature so perhaps falling leaves. I will think about this further and experiment more before making up my mind. I will then find some precedent images for this inspiration to help me write my code and choose the colours.

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