Sunday 12 August 2012


I have bought the equipment to start making binoculars.
- 4 small magnifying glasses (kids ones.) Although they have bumps around the edges which I have to cut out in the work shop in order for the cardboard to stick (I tired without, it didn't work.)
- 3d glasses to experiment and use the correct coloured cellophane from.
- Plastic sheet with black paper over top. Although the paper doesn't stick very well to it, even when mounted on with spray glue adhesive. Also, I find it doesn't seem to work as well as the corrugated cardboard. The corrugated cardboard seemed to be the right consistency in both weight and flexibility.
- Glue

I'm thinking that making these is going to be a lot more difficult than I originally anticipated. I'm hoping to pretty much have them finished tomorrow so I can go and show my tutor Craig and start improving them for the last session on Friday. They're due on Monday!

In class today I had a good play with the 3d glasses and what images work best on them. I'm really worried that they may not work with my binoculars or something will go wrong. So tomorrow morning I will go and get a few pictures printed out and hope they work. Making my own may also be difficult but I will try my best at that.

If this experiment fails then I will have to quickly move onto something else (developing the upside down telescope more and not head in the direction of 3D or binoculars.) I have an idea for it, but am still worried about the time constraint. So I will get on to making these tomorrow in hope that time won't become to much of an issue for me.

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