Thursday 30 August 2012

Current Map of Kelburn Campus

This is a screen shot I took of the current map for Kelburn campus off

I think this is a very ineffective map and not user friendly at all. When I first began University I was very daunted by this map and had no understanding of it. Although it's colour coded with a KEY at the bottom (not shown in my screen shot) I still found it very confusing and unhelpful. Although it doesn't help that Kelburn has so many different buildings jammed together. It is quite a difficult place to navigate around by yourself.

The colours of this map are horrible - mostly greys with mustard yellow. Not appealing to a first year design student at all. The map has very little detail. Just saying the names of the buildings. Not room numbers, hallways, toilets or anything are clearly marked. Some buildings have symbols on them to indicate where things are but no instruction on how to get there. There is no acknowledgement of there being different levels in the building. You may be trying to find a classroom in the Kirk building, but if not knowing how to read room numbers, knowing it's on another level would be impossible. Navigating for stairs or elevators would also be very time consuming.

This map needs to be completely remade with much more detail and user friendly appeal to scared and lost  first year students.

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