Thursday 30 August 2012

Class Reflection.

Realized I haven't done a post about Lesson One for Project Two.

We got into groups and made maps for each other. We either had to write or draw the instructions and then hide the piece of paper some where in the building. My group was told to draw our map. We did a very simple and easy to follow one, the opposing group found our teams piece of paper fast. It was hidden in the library. I drew our map very simple with a plan view of the first floor of the building. However we couldn't use words so I used a 'x' to mark the spot and a red line following the route of how to get there.

I think the map was definitely too easy but I wanted to draw an easy one as I want the navigation system I develop to also be easy and simple to follow for the user. So this was a good experiment.

The groups map we got was written, which in a way is easier to do. We never found their destination as they lead us to a door with a piece of paper stuck to the outside saying to go down there. We didn't know how to get to that side of the building so gave up. I think this shows that if the instructions aren't clear and have gaps such as that, the user will just give up and try to find their own route to the destination. This may result in the user becoming lost, never actually finding the location and or being quite late and makes the app useless.

So in conclusion. I think a simple plan view map is the easiest way to go. If written or spoken instructions are included they must be very clear and precise without any gaps or assuming the user may know where something is.

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