Monday 10 September 2012

Project Three, Lesson One

Class Reflection:
Today in class we learnt how to code mousePressed and mouseX mouseY. I changed a few of the colours and I think I understand it a little. I'm not sure if we have to add loops to our code but I think it will start to get very confusing when that happens. I will try really hard to understand the code as I write it, so I can make the interaction exactly how I vision it.

I really like this coding as it paints a picture with code, the background acting as the canvas.
It also gave a lot of different options in interactions:

z = stop
x = go
r = change colours
t = restart (black)
y = restart (white)
left-click mouse = points go to where mouse clicked

I really love photo manipulation and colour editing on photoshop (it's one of my hobbies) creating very fantasy and surreal images. So this is one of the reasons why this type of image appeals to me. With the black background it almost has a "space" type of feel to it. It creates different sized circles at the ends that really adds to the "space" feeling. I like how you can change the colours and by clicking the mouse you can control where the lines go to. It must have 'random' code in it as the lines don't touch the destination in an ordered time or place. The colours and circles sizes also appear to be constrained random variables.

What I really like about this code is as the lines follow your mouse around the begin to fade out, preventing from a big build up on the screen. The last inspiration I looked at however, has got me thinking about maybe creating a type of canvas through my coding as this is something that really interests me.

"Click the mouse to start the dot, move the mouse around, click again to stop the dot, and press any key to clear. "
I think this coding is visually very nice, especially the way it layers and fades. It would have been more effective if the dot that began was smaller and there were possibly more translucent colours involved. I also think that the background could have been larger and maybe even a different colour. More random controlled random variables could have been used to make this coding more visually appealing.

I choose this as inspiration to research in as this code also creates a very interesting, visual "canvas" type effect. The lines follow the mouse around, allowing the user to create curves using straight lines which is very interesting. I think the colours don't go together very well. I would like to produce something with a very good colour palette to really make the coding a piece of art.

This coding is NOT AN INSPIRATION. This is just an example of a code I really don't like. The design doesn't do much interactive (just follows the mouse around from the top left point.) The circles and flashing colours are very hard on the users eyes and this isn't very pleasant at all. I do not want my design to induce seizures. I will use complementing colours and not make my design heart other peoples eyes.

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