Thursday 20 September 2012

Project 3 idea

Tadpoles eating bread - inspiration found on youtube.

An idea for project three is to take on the aesthetic of tadpoles eating bread. I'm finding inspiration from they way the swim and gently interact with each other and their flowing tails. I was thinking for my project that maybe their is an interaction of trying to feed them and they either grow larger or morph. I will still need to think about this idea some more

From last lecture I learnt what type of interaction the markers are looking for. It can't simply be the mouse causing an interaction nor can it be total control of the interaction. When moving or clicking the mouse an interaction needs to happen but it must be unexpected and slightly different each time. The user can't expect to know what's going to happen.

I will draw some sketches and brain storm this idea further.

I've also had a second idea drawing inspiration from a spider web. I'm not sure what the interaction would be yet though.

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