Monday 10 September 2012

Class Reflection + Second Idea

So today was the second class for the second project. We discussed the research we'd done over the holidays and I talked my idea over with the tutor. She said it was a really good idea especially the part about getting rewards and things as people like that (in apps and in real life). This really got me thinking about who my auidience is (students) and I really want to do some more research into that.

I also had a second idea to research as well as developing my first idea. My second idea was to design a watch which has a very simple navigation system on it (G.P.S). Maybe it just shows the trail. The watch would be black and look very normal (no Victoria logo on it.) This way students can look at their watch for direction but it just appears as though they're checking the time and they avoid embarrassment. I think being caught using a really obvious G.P.S system such as something that projects onto objects as it show you don't know your way around campus. This may make new students stick out like a sore thumb or old students look like 'dorks'. I think that the watch would also function like a real watch (have real time on it.)

I found this really informative website for concept technology.

This watch is made for MP3 music, video and photo sharing.
"Well, phones are already meant to help you socialize and interact with humans but what if if your phone was flexible enough to be a part of your daily routine and activities? Nokia 888 does the same for you. This bracelet-like concept phone will take any form depending upon your mood and flavor. It will notify you about your dates and important events and will be there for you whenever you want it."

Well I just thought seeing as it's bracelet like it may fit my concept. A flexible, navigation system if you will.
The iRing. Maybe I could design an interactive, talking design that you listen to through something as subtle as a ring. 


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