Tuesday 25 September 2012

Story Board - interim

The code will replicate a flock of tadpoles. The colour palette will consist of blues and greens to replicate the underwater environment the tadpoles live in and the tadpoles colouring. The tadpoles will be small but still clear enough to see their movements. They will have flowing movements to appear as though they're 'swimming.' The colour palette of the tadpoles will be green but each tadpoles variant of green may be different. Each tadpoles size, speed and direction may be different too so they have their own character. However not every single tadpole will be entirely different. There will be groups of each one. Having different characters for the tadpoles will make them seem more natural when put into a group together. Having them all identical would seem very unnatural. 

When the mouse is clicked and held down the tadpoles will begin to move towards the mouse and group together, staying as close to the mouse as possible as if feeding off it like bread in a tank of tadpoles. When the mouse is just moved through the code but not pressed it will break up the flocks of tadpoles as if they're scared and swimming away from the mouse. By the user doing this they can interact and change the tadpoles movements. 

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