Thursday 20 September 2012

Tadpole coding inspiration

I went onto and searched for 'tadpoles' to try and find what other people have made for inspiration and so I can see how they've written their code.
This is the results of what I found.
The tadpoles in this code move very slowly and aren't very clear (qquite pixelated looking.) However I really like their swirly movements and the blurs on their tales. Gives them very angelic and graceful movements which is an aesthetic I enjoy.

I found this code to be very successful.
I really love the shapes and life like movements of the tadpoles. Unlike the previous tadpole code, they have their own shape and aren't just circles with blurs. They also swim off the screen which gives a very natural feel as if you were just glimpsing at one spot in the sea.
One of the best parts of this code is when you hold down your mouse an drag it through the tadpoles it interrupts them and their swimming patterns which I thought was pretty cool. This is an interactive code and I want to build upon this type of code and make it more interactive.

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