Sunday 16 September 2012

Rewritten Proposal

A more refined and better written proposal.

"Time does not exist. It is simply an illusion of our mind created by our own biological and cultural evolution."
 - David Lewis Anderson

Stop motion in itself is time. Every media of photography deals with time. My aim is to have a stop motion that shows the progress of boredom to something as exciting as "time travel' which is easily achieved through the manipulation of photography and Plasticine models.

 Boredom often leads to pointless browsing in the fridge, eating, scribbling, staring at the clock and slobbish behavior as my animation will explore. Staring at the clock will further slow down time when bored and lead one to daydream of more exciting things such as time travel. To achieve a time travel illusion of a "dinosaur" age normally special effects would be needed. Through the use of hundreds of photographs and the manipulation of clay that is slowly moved it is possible to create life like movement.

By using light, shadows, furniture and well thought out cinematography my photographs come to life with the animation, creating an illusion that is stop motion.

It's purpose is to entertain as my audience are  teenagers.

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