Thursday 27 September 2012

Re-design of app + Tutor feedback

So I have decided to re-design my app as I really wasn't pleased with the previous aesthetics of the app. It was too colourful, messy and not very easy to follow. There was just too much going on aesthetic wise. When designing it, I thought it was okay as colour would attract a teenage audience. However, I have now decided that a more clean, sophisticated app would be more appropriate as it needs to be easy to follow, young adults are the target audience and the symbols, coins, maps and characters are enough to attract the younger audience without the app having to lose it's flow.

With a now more cleaner and stylistic interface the app is much more professional and looks more presentable for a business to buy it.

I have not yet finished all the different screens for the app but I showed my tutor what I had so far today. She was really pleased with it and thinks that it has taken a much better direction now. In her words, "a huge improvement."

I will show all the screens I have so far for the app and what the tutor has said I need to do to improve them.

Loading screen - I have renamed the application to 'NavaVic' as this stands for Navigation Victoria. It is a aweet, cute little name that is catching and easy to remember. As you can tell by the loading, the interface is a lot more minimalist and has much more simplicity now. A clean interface is often more smoother and easier for the user to understand. 

Menu - The option bars will slide out from the left side now onto the loading screen which then becomes the menu screen.
Search option - The background will fade to dark as the search screen appears.

When pressing the search box a custom keyboard appears. Once the user has finished typing the location they then press search.
(the tutor said turn the background to dark, transparent overlay as I originally just had it transparent and light which was too distracting.) 
It looks much better now, this way.

The map. The tutor really likes this but her feedback was to take the toilets out, make the coins more obvious and to show the other rooms on the left and right. I will go onto Archicad and do this.

Shows the destination you should be in (3D render from Archicad.) Your character will also appear on the left hand side.

Once choosing "destination reached" the points screen of how many points you've earned will appear. You can either share on facebook or twitter and brag to your friends or go back to the home page.

From the home page, if you choose the "login" option you will be taken to the login screen (again the background fades to dark. overlay.)

Keyboard then pops up when pressing the square.
Main menu loads and new options are available.
When choosing the "points" option it takes you to the Points page which shows the total amount of points that you have earned. You then have the options of sharing this on a social network of your choice (facebook or twitter.) 

So this is where I have gotten so far. I still have more screens to create and things to improve on such as the map. However I think this is a huge improvement from what I previously had and the app is looking more professional.

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