Sunday 23 September 2012

112 Interim Reflection

Last lesson (Friday morning) we had interim in our tutor groups for 12 paper models. I printed all 12 of mine out and cut them. I also handed in my wire frame diagram of different stages of the application.

Feed back I got from the tutor:
- Develop own characters in either 2D or 3D (such as 3ds max or Maya)
- Have a time limit when getting to class. If user takes too long they can longer collect points for the rest of the journey.
- Work on the plan view of the map. It should stay in plan view but work on aesthetics and colour palette.

I will continue to work on these things as I agree with all the advice given. I will also continue to develop the layout and aesthetics of the app. The first week I will work on all the photoshop stages of my app and on the second week I will work on all the flash animations and coding for my app. The app is due in two weeks from now.

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