Wednesday 3 October 2012

New and improved Screen Shots of App!!

 These are my finished screen shots of the app. With all improvements made and as polished looking as they can get I feel without over doing it.

These screen shots are in order this time

Loading screen - fades in at the beginning of the application to show that it's loading.

Menu - icons have been fixed so they have the same stroke width and make more sense. Login now has a key lock icon and the 'create profile' icon looks more human like to match the character idea of my app.

The app now goes straight to this screen when searching for a location rather than the background fading to dark and then having to press 'search' button.

This screen has been fixed up with the new render of the new interior. It matches the rest of the app better now. The coins are also the same darker colour as they are in the other screens where it shows how many points you've been awarded. 

Same with this screen. Also the button now says "continue" in stead of "destination reached." That is now said on top and is clearly not a button. It is on a layer above the new rendered image.

This screen is the same as before as it needed no improvements. 

The screen where the background darkens has been taken out and now goes straight to this screen instead to be more efficient. 

Once you've logged in you're taken to this screen. The button icons have also been fixed up here a little with new and improved icons with fixed stroke weight, size and pictures. 

This screen is the same as before as it needed no more improvements. 



Locations>All>Honey Cafe.

Character creation. The completed button has now been moved to the left on all three screen shots of the character creation menu to be more pleasant and easier for the user.

This 'completed' button is the only change made to these three screen shots of the character creation menu.
Once the user presses "completed" they're taken back to the logged in menu screen.


I'm very pleased with how the aesthetics of my app have turned out as there has been a huge improvement from my first designs in this project where the colours were very bright and childish and the layout may have been more difficult to understand. I feel this design is a lot more mature as the colours are simple but complemented by an easy to understand layout, symbols and the character on the left hand side. The name 'NavaVic' is appropriate as it stand for 'Navigation Victoria.' The name is short, simple and easy to remember. It also will appear to students as most of them are in there 20's and feel this name is modern. I'm really pleased that I took a more minimalist approach to my app design as once I'd developed the character she really complemented every frame although faded into the background. The minimalism aesthetic makes this app more professional and modern looking so therefore represents Victoria University well. 

I'm really pleased that I fixed up all the little improvements mentioned in my last post with screen shots of the app. I feel this has just really polished my work and has gotten it to the best standard possible. All the time and effort I've put into this project really shows and I'm glad that I took the time to be a perfectionist for this. 

I've stuck with my main idea from the beginning with a character rewards system and I feel this design does the idea justice. 

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