Tuesday 16 October 2012

Experiments with the size and colour

I have begun to experiment with the size of the screen and the colour of the background. 
For the size of the screen I really need to find what works best as an interaction. If they screen is too large the tadpoles flocking may not look as good and with the screen too small the interaction isn't as effective. I need to balance these two factors successfully. I also need to figure out what looks best as a screen size. Whether it be a perfect square or long horizontally or long vertically. 

I feel that this screen looks aesthetically pleasing. The mouse interaction as a good horizontal movement going but I feel the interaction would be more interesting if the movement were vertical also.

This screen is far too long down the eyes don't like it as it's not as easy to follow the interaction.

I experimented with making the screen smaller to see if the interaction was more effective this way. I found the tadpoles couldn't flock as far and their character therefore wasn't as apparent. The interaction was a lot more boring as you couldn't make 

I have began testing the colour of the background only. I will narrow down the best colours and then try them with the coloured tadpoles. For the background test I will keep the tadpoles while transparent for now.

This is the colour I have been currently working with. A very nice blue but perhaps too dark? So I tried a lighter one....
Far too light and makes the code seem too cartoon like. A deeper blue is perhaps more sophisticated.
This blue seems to have a tint of purple and is very cool toned. Not sure how well it would work with the perhaps green tadpoles (unsure of tadpole colour yet)
This deep blue seems nice but still a little purple toned. Really need to test this with the green tadpoles.

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