Monday 29 October 2012

Final Film

112 from Ally Baldwin on Vimeo.

This is my final animation. It was difficult for me to upload my 'practice' animations and progress as I was having some serious technical issues. First I kept rendering incorrectly and have to re-render which was taking a long time on my laptop. I also have never been taught how to do animation in 3DS Max so at the same time I was rendering I was also watching and reading tutorials, trying to figure out how to make it work. Then I put all the frames (over 2000!) in Adobe After Effects which made the programme a bit slow and animated the text over top. I've also never used Adobe After Effects before so this was a struggle and I was watching tutorials as I was going along, making my work progress a little slower than I would have liked. Nevertheless I figured everything out. I then had trouble exporting and couldn't work out why. I exported a "test" film which was over 6GB! My computer wouldn't run it smoothly. I then downloaded QuickTime and restarted my laptop which got it working.

I'm so happy with the final result and super happy that I managed to finally pull it off. I was getting really worried that I had been too ambitious wanting to learn how to do this but I'm so glad I went to all that effort to learn how to.

I like how I've kept a simple black and white approach which creates a nice contrast between the app and the background. I also like how the light rendering in 3DS Max has turned out. The movements in the text are smooth and not over powering from the app itself I feel. I also really love how beautiful the music is and how well it fits with creating this warm and pleasant atmosphere. My aim was for my film to make you want to go and buy the app as it makes it look like your life would be so much easier and fun with it.

Overall I'm super proud of how this project as turned out. Especially as I self taught myself how to use both programmes for this animation. I also feel it will be a refreshing change from other peoples films as it's not just a video of someone walking around lost at Kelburn with an app. I feel this is a lot more original and polished. I'm curious as to whether anyone else has done something similar because I haven't found someone who is not using a camcorder yet.

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