Tuesday 17 July 2012

Creative Coding. Blog Post One.

Class Reflection

We write out instructions to describe an object and then got people in our group to try and follow these instructions alone, without knowing what the object is and draw it. I chose the chap stick in my pocket. The first person who tried to draw this took the instructions too literally such as "each side of the tube has a flat circle." However the other two who drew it did it well but maybe they realised what the object was which helped them. Some of the people in my group wrote instructions for a grid and an x/y axis. I found these instructions a little confusing as they were written very quickly and weren't explained very well. Also as I was only drawing lines and unsure of that the object was, I didn't know if I was connecting them properly or not. I realise now that the instructions need to be more precise and go through step by step.

This code is effective because of the build up of colours and shapes. The thin lined shapes slowly build up with more emphasis in different corners, creating a good composition. The idea is simple but because of the many complex shapes building up, it becomes to look like a very complicated technical drawing.

I love this one for many reasons. Firstly, the colours black and white are very simple but extremely effective in this idea. The negative space helps to make the black stand out. The black looks like ink, it comes in at a fast pace but then slowly eases off and becomes faded as the opacity is lowered at the tips. The lines move very smoothly and jagged farthing this illusion of ink and also creating a creepy atmosphere. The black creates very interesting, branch looking shapes. The black is more deep in the centre as it gradually branches off and fades out.
Again, the colours are simple and help the user to understand that the splashes are ink. I like how this design is interactive. As you click the ink splashes and drips down. I feel like the ink splashes are too sharp though and the ink that drips down is all identical. This would be more effective if the ink splashes looked more natural and the drips were different shapes, sizes and ran down at different paces. Another thing I like about this design though is when you click the right mouse button the screen clears itself again, ready to be clicked on again. Also how the older ink splashes fade out into the background, allowing a layering effect to be built up.


Here is a picture I made on this code, this is a screen shot.
The circle follows the mouse in this code. What I liked about this idea was how the slower you moved the mouse, the more closer together the circles are. The faster - the further spaced. This created some really intense patters as shown above. I think this code could be made a lot more interesting with more colours and a different shape. Or possibly a variety of different shapes.

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