Wednesday 25 July 2012

First Experiment


I wasn't feeling very well and missed last class. However I have caught myself up with some research and by writing a brainstorm. I've decided to focus on either touch or sound. 


I have decided for this experiment to focus on touch. The aspect of touch I've chosen is weight. When a person picks up an object they expect it to have a certain weight. If the object is much lighter or much heavier than they're expecting they can be quite taken back by it. The materials I have purchased are the following:

Knucklebones for the weight
Marbles also for the weight and how they sound when clinging together.

Modelling clay as it's easily molded and hardens.

I started off by cutting the clay and shaping it.

I placed marbles inside the first ball shape and then put clay over them.

Then only one marble in the next ball and left space so it would rattle around creating a noise.

I then put the objects in the microwave for ten minutes in order for the clay to harden.

These are the balls I made.

I created this one with groves. It has one knuckle bone inside it.
This small ball is half filled with clay to create an uneven weight.

I also experimented with this idea. I put a knuckle bone inside the clay and molded onto my finger when the clay was still soft. Thankfully once the clay had hardened it still fitted onto my finger. It created a very unusual  sensation as the end of my one finger felt more heavy than usual. 

I also tried this idea inspired by the human senses sound video that I watched on Vimeo. I created ridges and  a flat spoon type of shape which creates sound as you run it along the ridges.

This object just has these grooves as I tried to stick marbles in them, after cooking they didn't stick. If you hold the spoon side ways and run it across it still creates a bumpy feeling and a sound.

Hopefully showing these experiments in class tomorrow will go well. I plan to further refine my ideas.

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