Monday 23 July 2012

Creative Coding - Lesson 2:

In class today we began to learn how to code using the programme Processing. I understand how to set out the code and use the brackets and numbers. I just have trouble with knowing what numbers to use to get the shapes where I want them to go. This is something I will have to improve on. Here are some screen shots of what I tried last lesson. I didn't screen shot everything that I experimented with because I didn't know we had to screen shot and I didn't save all my experiments.

A basic square with an eclipse evenly in the middle.

This is something I did myself by finding a tutorial online. As I move the mouse around the circles follow, building up many layers of circles. The faster I move the mouse - the less circles and more far apart they are. The slower I move the mouse - The more circles and closer together they are. I was happy with this experiment as it was one of the example codes I found. It's listed in my previous Dsdn142 blog as inspiration. I didn't realise how simple the coding was behind this idea. Maybe as practise I could start colouring this experiment to make it more interesting.

This is me creating a shape and getting confused on where and how to put the line.

I also experimented with the background and stroke colour. I understand that you use different numbers to create different colours which I also experimented with at random. I think that you use RGB colour charts from memory but will have to research this further. I think for now the thing that I really need to improve on is my graphing, working out where the shapes go, how to make them and how to get them there.

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