Thursday 26 July 2012

dsdn112 Class

In class today we presented our experiments in our groups. I brought along my clay balls. Some people already had some really great ideas such as a rubex cube using textures rather than colours. One person had balloons and had filled each of them with something different. One of them was filled with banana and another with mandarin pieces which I thought was kind of gross but a unique idea. Another person in my group had a similar idea as me with the weights. He had two oranges; one normal and another one much heavier than what you would expect. I liked this idea.

Here is some feed back which I got for my experiment:
- Great idea, could try different colours
- Keep the balls the same size
- Changing the shape
- Use different materials and textures
- Better distribution of weight

I think this is all very good and true advice. This was just a first, rough experiment and I know that I need to refine my idea more.

I have been doing a little bit of Internet research and inspired by one of the videos which I watched and posted onto my blog previously as inspiration. I was inspired by the idea of upside down vision (the glasses in the video). So I may try and make an upside down telescope. I may make a coloured filter on the glass in order to make it more difficult to comprehend what you're seeing. Then maybe still using the weight idea, design a type of task that must be completed while looking through the telescope. First I think I will design the telescope so I can see what it's like and how difficult it is to see. That will help me come up with a good idea for a task to do while seeing through it. I could make a type of maze. Or if I put some kind of transparent colour onto the glass of the telescope then I could make a task that also involves colour, to make it harder. A maze using colour perhaps? A brain teaser? I will do some more research into colour too.

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