Wednesday 9 May 2012

Project Three - Group Work


Group Work - Project Three - Branding
We were asked (DSDN 101) to team up into groups of three and assigned a company name and type of business. As a group we had to decide what the company did, our target demographic, design and company poster, and slogan.
We were assigned ‘Conflict Records’ a Music Company. 
Conflict Records is a New Zealand music label demographically targeting the Punk genre/scene within a domestic setting. We have designed a poster aimed at attracting Punk bands by really portraying what the company is passionate about. The poster style, positioning, colouring and typography are all based around past Punk Rock posters (usually by bands). Our slogan “Music, the Mediator of Disharmony”, is almost a pun on the name of the company ‘Conflict Records’, and we feel this will help capture the target audience.
James Irvine, Ally Baldwin and Gideon Soares

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