Monday 28 May 2012

Group Work

We have approached the type and design of the advertisement from a different perspective. Instead of a T.V commercial, we decided on creating a web/internet ad. The reasons behind this lie in the brand and its identity. After researching other music labels we discovered that they did not market to the general public because their services did not apply to them. Rather we found various music labels marketed through the internet via ads and websites. Our ad consists of a photo montage because web based ads need to be small files and very often consist of a still or a series of images. The ad is portrait as the location of the ad will be the far side of the screen the internet browser, needing to be narrow enough to fit. The music is appropriate which falls under the punk rock genre and the pictures change according to the beat and lyrics of the song. We have also included the company name and slogan in the ad but nothing else as the idea is to catch the viewers attention, and not to confuse them. The ad would be displayed on the web on various related sites to music, record labels, punk rock etc. It will also be interactive, so when clicked upon the person will be taken to a website with further information regarding the company.

Group members: Gideon Soares, James Irvine, Ally Baldwin

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