Sunday 6 May 2012

DSDN101 Project two

One Word Film

 I began this project by drawing my ideas down on a brainstorm. I came up with many different ideas and write down different possible ways in which I could explore them. I developed a variety of ideas in order to have a good range to choose from.

Beginning with my brainstorm story boards, I drew down four frames for each word I thought  had a good idea. I thought the word glue and my idea for it wasn't very original. I liked my idea for the word "Architecture" and thought it could create an interesting visual appearance.

Both of these ideas I liked and wanted to develop and explore further. I especially liked my idea for the word "Spikey" as using the letter "i" created a very unique appearance and I thought that this was clever. I needed a way of developing some more character in the letters however.
The word drawing needed some more character within my idea for it. An interesting part of this idea was the hand drawn quality and organic lines. My idea for the word "aggressive" I felt wasn't original enough after further exploring it in this short story board.
The word "escaping" and my idea for it was very strong. The appearance of the bird flying through the letters created a great aesthetic quality. I still needed to develop this idea to make the meaning of the word come through much stronger. I didn't further develop my idea for the word "drums" as I was worried the sound I would use for this would over power my animation. I also think had I developed it further, it would have needed a more interesting visual aspect to it or some more character in the letters.
I developed a final story board for "spikey." More character were added to the letters by having the 'e' and the 'y' bump into the other spikey letters and begin to develop spikes themselves. I didn't choose this idea for my animation as I still felt it wasn't exciting or original enough.
I liked this idea much more after developing it onto my final story board. The ending looks more interesting than what I imagined . I didn't choose this idea as my final as I feel the 'cars' needed more character.
I choose this as my final as it's the most visually appealing and the most original. I needed to further develop the idea of escaping by making it appear as if the 'bird' character is trapped. This will also add some more character to my animation.

Film Development

The bird does not appear trapped. Need to fix this and add music.

Final Animation

Sound - - S: bird.wav by silversatyr

The bird now appears trapped in a box shape and escapes. This is a good development from my original story board and idea. The bird bounces off the walls and then breaks through the barrier.

There is a glitch in this Quicktime version of the animation that doesn't appear on my real animation or swf file. As the bird flaps it's wings there is a white square that appears. That square is not actually there. I think it does this because Quicktime can't handle all the different shapes in the bird wings.

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