Thursday 29 March 2012

Dsdn171 - Blog 2: Research Statement and Annotated Bibliography

Research Statement:  Analyse the education of postmodernism and understand how it affects postmodern design practice.

What is post-modernism?:
Charles Jencks is known to be one of the founders of the post-modern movement. Information on the evolutionary, social and economic forces of this new stage of global civilisation will be helpful in investigating the education.  The two types of postmodernism are covered, deconstructive and reconstructive. This information will help provide an understanding of the social and economic factors that would have affected postmodern education from the 1920’s onward.

Postmodern Culture, Aesthetics, and the Arts:
Takes a broad look into the aesthetics and ethics, transformation of the artist tradition and interdependence of postmodernism. Concepts and strategies of postmodernism are looked at in close detail. Discusses cultural, historical and aesthetic context in postmodernism. This will be helpful in understanding the aesthetics of postmodern design.

Marxism against postmodernism in educational theory:
Explains how postmodernism has now become the “orthodoxy in educational theory.” Looks at main theories such as Marxism and Liberalism. This book argues that postmodernism doesn’t provide viable educational politics or educational practice. This book will be a good resource as it provides information on the education of postmodernism.

Did We Ever Stop Being Postmodern?:
Questions whether we actually ever left the postmodern age. Looks at postmodern design artists such as David Carson and April Greiman.  Inspects postmodern design and analyses’ each design in the factors that make it postmodern. This website would be helpful as it explains the appearance and style of postmodern design.

Wet Magazine Cover:This image clearly shows the look, style and aesthetics of postmodernism. It is a magazine cover from the late 1970’s. Designed by famous, postmodern designers and represents the style of the time. This image is helpful in research as it’s a clear example of what postmodern design looks like. From this picture information can be gathered such as the use of colour, composition, material and the form of media that was used in the late 1970’s. 


Greiman A., & Odgers J. (1979). Wet Magazine Cover. Victoria and Albert Museum, London (Source). Retrieved from
Hill, D. (Ed.). (2002). Marxism against postmodernism in educational theory. Lanham, MD. Lexington Books. 
Hoffmann, G. (2005). Postmodern Culture, Aesthetics, and the Arts. Postmodern Studies, (72). 33-104. Rodopi (publisher). Retrieved from Victoria University of Wellington Library database.
Jencks, C. (1989). What is post-modernism? London, England: St Martin’s Press.
Poynor, R. (2011). Did We Ever Stop Being Postmodern? Retrieved from

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