Tuesday 3 April 2012

Dsdn104 - Project One

Three Words

Three words to describe the precedent objects and define the direction of my project:
Noun:         Cluster
Adjective:   Spiky
Verb:          Protrude

Three Inspirational Images

I chose these three images as my inspiration as they have a "spiky" effect which is unique for a flower, creating an abstract, unnatural look. The effect of the petals protruding from the cluster with cross over leaves and spikes created an interesting effect which I'd like to incorporate into my 3D design.These three photographs will become the beginning of my inspiration

 Development Images

Starting my arrangement
Getting the composition, plane and lighting right
Original Sketch on SolidWorks.

Practise Render with soft shadows - This took a long amount of time to render.

81 Iterations

Hero Shot

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